Thursday 29 March 2012

Yummy Bunny

It's nearly easter and in honour of that chocolate filled holiday, I've made some Sock Easter Bunnies! In some of my prettiest socks too. And they come with a cream egg. Winner.

The website is ready to have items uploaded, and I'm pretty darn proud of myself! I did it all on my own by jove. I'm off camping for the first time this year at the weekend, but when I get back I'll be photographing like mad ready for the website launch on Easter Monday. Exciting stuff! My business cards and banners etc should have arrived by then, it's really coming together now. Sock Creatures, unite!

Sunday 18 March 2012

Oh, there you are...

This blog has been terribly neglected. I'm feeling bad, so I'm writing an official apology to it. I hope it helps.

Dear Blog,

I'm sorry it's been so long. You are such a useful tool to those of us starting out in this crazy, crazy world of crafty self employment. I understand and appreciate the role you have in promoting a small, home based business such as mine. Alas, my guilt has now come to a head and I must releive myself of the burden of my deciet.

I have been cheating on you.

It's name is Facebook. I have created a Jenny Sews page that is so like you, yet so accesible, so easy to update. I don't feel I owe it pictures, or more than one paragraph. It is kind to my lazy self.

I know this doesn't help, and to tell you the truth, this affair will continue. But know this Blog: from the first of April I will be officially self employed. I will, to the world, not only be a mother, but a Sock Creature Creator. And I want you by my side.

I know I have been bad to you but I hope you can forgive me. Here is a baby pig, just for you.

