Monday 14 January 2013

Shopping with Purpose

I've been fabric shopping! Legitimately too, not just because I had the fabric buying itch. I needed nice, big, pretty pieces of fabric. Here's what I got:

I'm loving red and white stars, I was even wearing a red a white starry jumper today without even realising. The deer fabric is also particularly cute, and sparkly! Oooo, glitter...

I've started with hamster beds, which can be seen here, tomorrow I may move onto hammocks. I also have some gorgeous owls on the go (if I say so myself) for a lovely wedding gift, and had a bit of a practice run:

I love it! Think I'm going to add them to the Jenny Sews range. and try not to keep it.

In other news, my lovely new order book is open...

...and is this not the ugliest wall planner you've ever seen?


Sunday 6 January 2013

New Goodies

I was hoping to have a few more items made before I started posting about the new additions to Jenny Sews, but I'm just too excited.

Over the Christmas holidays I got a new hamster, a Russian Dwarf called Princess Cutie Pie.  She is ridiculously cute.  As with all new projects, I got a little bit obsessed and thoroughly geeked out on a hamster forum! It's awesome.  There are others just like me.

Princess Cutie Pie, too fast to photo.

Whilst perusing the DIY section, I discovered hammocks and the such that other members had made. An actual light bulb went off above my head. "Hamster beds, made of Spidey fabric!" You can imagine the levels of excitement. So I had a little practice and made this for Ruby's hamster Mary:

Mmm, fleecy.

So far it's been mostly somewhere to eat her treats, but she hasn't chewed it up yet, which surprises me as she does enjoy destruction.

Spoilt much?

So I'm thinking of making hamster sets, a bed, hammock and sleeping bag, all in matching fabrics and fleece lined. Small projects, perfect for my short attention span. Plus I get to order more comic book fabrics, legitimately. Boom.

Let me know what you think!

Friday 4 January 2013

Jenny Sews Returns!

Happy new year! I hope your 2013 is off to a flying (and creative) start!

I officially start sewing again on Monday, so I thought  I'd spring clean my craft room. I thought it'd take an afternoon, max. THREE DAYS LATER, here are the results.



It's looking so much better if I say so myself! I can't wait to get sewing. I have lots of new ideas for Jenny Sews, none of them sock related! I will of course still be surrounding myself in Sock Creatures, and doing the craft fair circuit. Updates on dates and times soon, I have three fairs booked already though!

Hope you had a great holiday!
